?Online? Public Enemies Watch Free

Public Enemies ?Online?




  • genre Biography
  • The Feds try to take down notorious American gangsters John Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson and Pretty Boy Floyd during a booming crime wave in the 1930s
  • Christian Bale
  • Japan
  • ratings 7,6 of 10






LIVING THE DREAM - United States of America.
I have been to this place it"s called little bohimia.
I just watched a ytube video of some session musicians covering a famous drummer who passed. First thought was, Oh boy. and after 30 seconds of the first tune Gaucho, I knew the drummer did not do his homework and pissed all over the groove. How can this happen!
Michael Mann is the seems so into trying too hard to create art he misses the mark. Dillinger was boring, horribly boring. Watch Steve McQueen in The Great St Louise Robbery and it is a better movie than this! That is not saying much because that was basically a low-budget semi-documentary in 1958.
Johnny Depp and Mann are a perfect that think too much. Christian Bale on the other hand knows how to act. Deep has become a personality more than actor over the past years. I looked forward to this movie but could not make it through. That has to be the worst reaction to a director"s 2-3 years of planning and effort, your audience left early.
Dillinger was the ultimate gangster.

Inlorious basterds were also very good. but this was epic :D. Why cowards kill brave men and get away with it, like in TROY when paris killed achillies. Thank you so much.

Humans are weird. The ending here, just like a pack of hyenas shouting over a dead body

What i like about the shootout scenes in this movie is that theres no background music just raw gun fire.


One of the greatest action movies,jealous down ladies and gentle mans,i wanna play the game of this movie. John Dillinger was badass. I have this playing in my car at full volume and people are like what is he listening to, but i don"t care this tune is awesome. What a masterpiece great epic stuff!Devil bless blues. Johnny and michael so cool. Great song. great film. just great.

One of the best movies I"ve ever seen


This whole movie is a masterpiece. The track makes me want to rob a bank. Wonder why Dillinger didn"t extinguish the lights. Michael Mann knows how to end a film. The legend end. Damn that tommy gun is a clumsy weapon but i love it. You"re John Dillinger and I"m you"re girl. I watched the video several times and each time the same great - this piece is ruling. Much as I like Johnny Depp, Stephen Lang as Charles Winstead was the best performance in this film. You can be a dead Hero, or a live Coward Best line in the bank robbery scene. TOO GOOD MICHAEL MANN. They were bad men. They were forgotten men. Betrayed by a bad system. For 18 months they outsmarted a nation. They deserved a better movie.

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